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نشرت صفحة animals lebnon عبر حسابها على تويتر صور لكلب صغير وعلقت بالقول: "بالكاد يبلغ من العمر 6 أسابيع، شهد هذا الجرو المسكين الأسوأ! سمع رجل طيب صرخاته في المطر وركض نحو النداء المؤلم للمساعدة. وهرع إلى الطبيب البيطري ودعا "جمعية حيوانات لبنان" للمساعدة. كان الرجل يبكي،وفريقنا والطبيب البيطري أصيبوا بالصدمة من مستوى القسوة. لقد قطعوا أذنيه بمقص بدون مخدر وبدون سبب! يمكنك أن ترى حرفيًا الحزن والألم في عينيه إنه يريد فقط أن يعانق ويعطي عاطفة. يعالج حاليًا بالمضادات الحيوية ومسكنات الألم ويقوم أحد أعضائنا برعايته".

(رصد موقع بنت جبيل)


How cruel can one get!? They cut his ears with scissors and left outside to freeze! Barely 6 weeks old, this poor pup has seen the worst! A kind man heard his cries in the rain and ran toward the agonizing call for help. He rushed him to the vet and called Animals Lebanon for help. The man was crying, our team and the vet were all shocked by the level of cruelty. They cut off his ears with scissors without anesthetic and for no reason! You can literally see the sadness and pain in his eyes ???? He just wants to be hugged and given affection. He is currently on antibiotics and pain killers and one of our members is fostering him. Soon he will be up for adoption. To adopt Baby Bear – animalslebanon.org/animal/any IMPORTANT NOTE With the current difficult economic situation, our work is becoming more and more difficult. Prices are rising and we need to pay most suppliers in cash and in dollars. Our fundraising event got cancelled, adoption rates are going down and lots of adopted animals are getting returned! YET SO MANY ANIMALS STILL NEED TO BE SAVED! Our survival depends on your support, please continue to give, no amount is minimal. To donate go to animalslebanon.org/donate or email us for cash donations - [email protected] #rescueddog #injureddog #rescuedpuppy #injuredpuppy #cutoffears #puppyinpain #sadpuppy #adoptapuppy #adoptadog #adoptdontshop #adoptdontbuy #donatetosavealife #donatetohelp #animalwelfare #animallover #doglover #instadog #dogsofinstagram #lebanonprotest #animalslebanon

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